Bone Morphogenetic Protein – Bio BMP2


Principle of action
This product is freeze-dried and coated with CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cell-derived recombinant bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP2) on the surface of demineralized bone obtained by processing the bone which is collected from the donated cadaver, followed by mixing with the collected collagen gel from sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and pig skin.
Purpose of use
This is a bone graft material containing bone formation-inducing proteins (rhBMP-2, Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2) in the area of alveolar bone defects, and aims to regenerate bone and preserve alveolar bone.
Operation method and directions for use
  • 1After opening the affected area, completely remove the inflamed tissue and remnants and allow fresh blood to come out.
  • 2Wash the surgical site with sterile water or saline.
  • 3Open the aluminum pouch, the 1st and 2nd packaging material at the sterilizing station.
  • 4In some cases, use a tip to remove the product from the container and insert the product into the patient’s bone defect. (After transplantation, the product is naturally hydrated by blood flow.)
  • 5After transplantation, cover the affected area and suture using a surgical suture
Storage after use and management method
  • 1As it is disposable, do not reuse it.
  • 2If the package is opened, discard it even if it is not used.
Storage method and
period of use
  • 1Keep refrigerated: 4℃, 1 year from date of manufacture